
in pain right now...

...thanks to this chica. she dragged me on a six-mile bike ride tonight, after the worst day of work ever. of course, we needed the time to reconcile, even though she was a hundred feet ahead of me the whole ride. a hint: never work with your spouse....living and working together is great until neither of you get sleep and you have to face evil customers all day. and while lauralee and i aren't married, we're hitting on some pretty specific aspects of marriage (such as arguing over who does the dishes, reminding each other of dentist appointments, and yelling "WHAT????" very rudely when we can't hear each other). ahhh, commitment.


Allison said...

I hope your evil customers aren't any of the Visser clan . . . though watch out, Tricia and Benjamin are coming in soon!

Paul K said...

bike rides tickle!

I will avoid makeing a coming out of the closet joke, even though I really want to

Anonymous said...

I'm happy for both of you, but only you and not Lauralee. She can do better.

whistler said...

all you need is love . . .

then you can get along and do the dishes together.