
all around the world

I just spent the last hour getting lost in blog-surfing. I've read blogs by close friends and by almost-strangers. And I feel as though I've been having coffee with my best friend. I'm seeing that so many others are going through the same things I'm going through right now...moves, changes, goodbyes, crying so hard you can't stop because you miss the days when home was only one place and one set of acquaintances...
Home has been wonderful. Yet every morning I wake up and have to remind myself that I'm not here to stay. In about a week I will again be waking up in my basement bedroom in Lynden, making preparations for school on Monday and wondering what the heck my next P.E. unit will be (curse you, physical education!) These changes are so difficult...yet reading others' blogs puts my own situation into perspective. Change is inevitable. It's necessary.
I look at people like Carolyn in South Korea, Erika in Norway, Rachel in Nicaragua...they are so much further from home than I am. But in some ways I feel farther from home. Those people are surrounded by others who are far from home. In Lynden, I'm surrounded by people who know only one home...one place...one set of acquaintances. It's difficult because few others understand the way I feel. I'm scared of saying goodbye again and returning to the place I was so excited to leave last week. It's my life now, and as proud as I am of making it through the last 5 months, it's only the beginning.
Ok...on to happier things. This week has been wonderful. Phil and I have celebrated our 6-month anniversary with two dates. We took turns planning. Last night, I took him out for Mexican and ice skating!!!! And then we went to his place and watched The Ringer--well, I slept through it, but what else is new? He made dinner for me the other night and the townhouse's living room has never looked better. I've spent time with my sister and brother and sister-in-law and nephews. I took Dillan to see The Waterhorse yesterday and it was a great bonding experience. I also gave him his first couple of piano lessons last week. He is eager to learn. I miss him and Landon so much--they have grown up a lot since July. I saw my Bepa the other day, which was wonderful, considering the fact that I didn't think I would see her ever again when I said goodbye to her in July. I love being near my parents again, although we know that our relationship has shifted somewhat. I'm a little more independent and self-sufficient than last time we were together.
Another week to spend with family and loved ones. Thank you, Dad and Mom, Philip, Al and Trav and Tami and Dillan and Landon and Kasey, Becca, Josh, Nikki, Matt and April, Nick and Lari, Walhof and Paul, Chad and Ephron and hopefully Dre and Scott and Sheryl...for making this Christmas break a time to strengthen relationships. I love you.


Carolyn said...

mmmm yes. you are spot on. being away from home is tough, but you're right that most of the people i surround myself with in korea are also doing the traveling thing and don't see their families much. so not being home for me doesn't phase me too much. but it's tougher when you're surrounded by families and people who ARE home when you are not. this is a strange transition period in our lives! hang tight! glad to hear you're doing quite well inspite of the bits of hardship...

Nikki said...

I love you friend - it was good to hear your thoughts, and I totally understand! Enjoy this last time at home!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for yesterday's phone call. I needed it. Today we got to patch things up ... I miss you and wish you all the best.
Just a thought:
"Are you sh**ing me!?"
Life can always be a bit sweeter, yeah?

Josh said...

i'm glad that you enjoyed your time at home. It was good to see you and catch up a little bit. (especially to whoop up on apples to apples) :) it's funny, because i have sort of the opposite thing of you and all the dortians who moved all over. i'm here and everyone is gone. so the place that i spent so much time getting to know people and living life together is now the same...just not as many people. kinda weird, but it makes you appreciate the holidays when people come back. and to know that most of the people that i am friends with are planning on moving in the next year...it kinda forces the trust issue that God will provide the social needs as well as the other things we need. sorry...i guess i kinda rambled. anywayz, i hope that the transition back goes well for you. Later!