
life is unraveling and being woven together

amanda and i at a park in chilliwack after teacher's convention
amanda and denise checking out the fish
an incredibly pc pose
october sunrise at ebenezer
this is from the front step of my classroom...
kerri and i ready to plow mt. shuksan
i be a photographer!
the meenderincks ignoring the "danger! slippery rocks!" sign
kerri and i in a tree...there IS a story behind this!
some pretty mountains
The honeymoon is definitely over. I'm realizing that when I go home for Christmas, I won't really be going home, because I'll have to leave again. Today, that realization really freaked me out. I was at Target today and it was CRAZY with families shopping for Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas/we need to buy stuff because we haven't bought anything for two days. And I really missed my mom. I saw tons of mothers and daughters, and all I wanted was to wander the aisles of Target with Mom and talk about how premature the holiday stuff is. I miss you, Mom. And Dad, every time I see an SUV (or a Hummer at a gas station...a frequent occurrence for gas-guzzlers, you know), I scoff and miss you, too.
I have tons of people out here to connect with...but they're not my family. I have officially reached the I've-never-been-away-from-my-family-for-this-long point and I'm still going.
As Phil says....life is unraveling and being woven together at the same time. Life as we know it is ending, but something new is beginning. It's scary and refreshing and scary and fun and really really scary. Hopefully the end result is a beautiful design. Hopefully.


Philip said...

Beautiful pictures! You indeed be a photographer! I want to see a sunrise over mountains! Ok thats a lie, I want to see the mountains several hours after a sunrise :).

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures indeed! Dear daughter , I miss you too, but I'm so grateful that God has surrounded you with individuals and a community that show his love and care to you in so many ways day by day. I also love the word picture from Phil that you used as your title, and I can assure you that the end result will be beautiful because our lives are in the hands of the master weaver -- "but hope which is seen is no hope at all, for who hopes for what [she] already has..."


Sarah Heckmann said...

Hang in there, Andrea! I liked your pictures-especially the one with the the two of you in a tree trunk. It looked like wings wrapping around you...a la angel wings or the imagery of Psalm 91:4: He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

Justine Teresa said...

i like your pictures. i've never seen a mountain in real life.

Paul K said...

Miss you too!

Nikki said...

And I miss you, my Fraulein friend! I was going to call you this weekend, and time got away from me! Ihope you're doing well...we should talk soon!