

Oh, computer. Why are you so slow?

This weekend I have been questioning my purpose again. I'm not sure I can hack it in the big old world. I'm excited and nervous to go to Lynden, but I wish I could just be excited and know that I will have a good experience there. I'm sure I will; I'm just worried about the homesickness bit and feeling as though I should really be a teacher. I worry that once I get out of this community I've grown up in, I won't be able to feel worthwhile or special, because I won't have a history with these people. I'll have to build everything from scratch. Sometimes it's too much work.
But a friend once told me this: "My worth is not based on what others think of me; my worth is based on God calling me His beloved."
I try to remember that...even though being praised by humans feels wonderful.
Brother David sent me pictures of his house/hometown today so I could get a feel for where I'll be living for six weeks next spring. I tried to post one, but my computer is slow. Maybe later.


Paul K said...

Slow computer are irritating. As is not knowing what they heck you are supposed to do with yourself.

Allison said...

Hear the words of experience: it will all come out in the wash. :) In other words, the pieces will fall into place. Slowly, perhaps, but they will come together, and in a few months or years you'll be able to look back in wonder and see how all the bits of your life added up to bring you to the place you're at and the person you are.

Even if everything seems jumbled and scary right now. :)

Love you, kiddo.

Kunnari said...

This place does give you purpose, but as of late perhaps it's letting you down otherwise would you be asking these questions? Place definetly gives you purpose, but you can change the environment and still be just as fantastic.

Philip said...

Shall we join forces in the quest of finding girl(s)? Cause thats kinda wierd.

Hannah said...

I was in Lynden last weekend for the CSI conference (equivalent of Tri-State convention)!

On not having a history, yes that is weird. It is weird not to have half the people I meet know who I am, want to know how I'm doing, want to know how my mom's doing, etc. But on the other hand, sometimes it is nice to have people not be like "oh, you're in college already???" or "are you the sister that is in college?".