
the night is here

Omaha was sweet. I enjoyed the time off school, although I'm screwed in terms of homework for the next week. The singing went well, and in spite of his nervous shaking, Dr. K did a great job, too. I really felt inspired by the music. Then we went to a couple of individual choir concerts (the National Lutheran Choir is amazing!) and the Peace Event, which was spiritual but not religious. The music was wonderful, but the words did not really fit my beliefs. Cool experience, however. Fun with singing, food, and friends. F-U fun!

We had another performance of Jane Eyre tonight. I found getting back into the show somewhat difficult, but the performance was good. My parents and roommates came...they are wonderful!

I shall now endeavor to sleep in preparation for the incredibly long day tomorrow. Have a good one, y'all.


Allison said...

So you're all done with the play now, eh? How'd it go? Are you glad to be finished? I wish I could have been there . . . send some pics soon!

flurp-boink said...

might I just congratulate you on your very-cool-its-about-fricken-time nomination.
Love you platypus friend.

AC said...

I haven't been around in a while. How strange!!!!

AC said...

Of course, if you had seen my xanga you would know that I have a freshman and his friends after me for reviewing his book.