
you're not losing me...underneath the moon I'll be the beam

Wow...it's been awhile. Of course, things are very busy here, since tonight Little Women opened. My last opening night ever (tear). It went quite well, but I'm looking forward to improving in the next four performances.

I really do love this cast. I feel very maternal towards most of the freshmen, and it's a good feeling. I do think I'm a nurturer at heart, as much as I hate the stereotype. Each night when I walk home from New World Theatre, I think about how much I love the people and then I get sad. I don't want to leave it all behind.

I love you all and miss you already.


Anonymous said...

I love you, too, Mom! Where have you been all of my life? I miss you horribly. I hope Saturday's performance is stellar. That's when I hope to go. Ok, see you around. (a tear)

Paul K said...

freshmen make me giggle

Nikki said...

I love you! (And miss you, of course!) Thanks for all of your faithful commenting during the semester...there's a big hug coming your way in just two weeks! Much love...