
just my cup o' tea

Sherry treated us to tea this afternoon at Lynden's Cup O' Tea, which is an atmospheric tea shoppe/store. Not only can you have tea in one of 10 or so semi-private alcoves, but you can also wish you had enough money and suitcase space to buy an elegant tea set.
For me, this afternoon tea was a lovely time to wind down after my supervisor visited my classroom today. The lesson I taught went very well, Dr. Vander Plaats had wonderful things to say, and I began to feel like a more competent teacher. Hooray! (Never mind that I completely blew the Bible lesson I taught at the end of the day....)
Huzzah for raspberry tea and scones with Devonshire cream. I even founde myself slipping into a Britishe accent...


Nikki said...

Yay! I'm so glad that you're starting to feel like the competent teacher that I'm sure you are :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know those people!

Allison said...

So you have time for raspberry tea scones but no time to talk to your sister? Hmph.

Nathan said...

did you loft your pinkie appropriatly?

Jihad Hernandez said...

Hey Girlie, I completely understand your hesitance to move to California. Believe me.

I hope to move to Downtown San Jose near the University or a slightly hillier area of Silicon Valley called Los Gatos. However, I believe when forced to choose between mountain living and academia, Academia wins.

honeyhair said...

You = a hot teacher.
Are you getting love from senior guys? Goodness knows I am. I have a group of about six of them who have decided to attempt to corrupt me, and it's HOT.

I love the sensation that what you are doing is working, that you can actually teach, that your students don't hate you being up front. It's the best!