
I love the thesaurus

Fessler asked me in class if I was about dead from the play. I assured him I was fine, especially since I wasn't doing my homework. Naturally, this will blow up in my face this weekend sometime, but for now, I am accepting my laziness.

Now you all think I'm a terrible person, but remember the curse of Calvinism? So in reality I have simply become a decent student instead of an overachiever. I can handle being a decent student for a couple of weeks.

I was recently the recipient of a piece of cardboard with a picture of a smiling redhead saying "Little Debbie has a snack for you!" and an anonymous family picture. Hmmm.

Amazing discovery of the day: The time you think you should be doing the most homework is best spent being distracted by certain Stel-lar and Hjelle-ish people. Add to the mix the occupants of F3 and D6, and you have a recipe for convivial jollity.


Allison said...

Movie dude, you need to stay in your strange little world. Alone.

Hmm, now I'm wondering if I need to drop down to being an average student instead of an over-achiever. I DID get my essay written for my writing class. It is a very weird essay. Perhaps the weirdest thing I've ever written.

How's the play going? You should really put up some pictures on your blog!

Love you, kiddo! Break a leg (but don't let Wally get hurt)!

Andrea said...

Thanks, sis. I love that you know tae kwon do. I will someday learn to put pictures up...someday.

And I miss you.

AC said...

What is the curse of Calvinism? Wow, I am dutch and don't know about it. I know that Calvin was somewhat crazy, but whatever are you talking about? I am quite perplexed.
Jesus loves you Andrea.