
...six random things

1. I enjoy sinking my feet into thick, flooshy carpet.
2. My favorite part of eating a brownie is when I put a huge chunk in my mouth and I can't even find my tongue.
3. When I wash my hands, I have to wait for the water to get excruciatingly hot before turning it off because hot water makes me feel cozy and happy.
4. When I was two, I crossed the street and fell asleep under my neighbor's tree. My mom didn't even know I was gone until the neighbor rang the doorbell and asked her, "Does this belong to you?"
5. I clean and organize my room for fun.
6. I used to be a fundamentalist; when my kindergarten boyfriend kissed me at school, I told on him.

And...count it!


Paul K said...


Nathan said...

I count six

do I get a sticker?

Margaret said...

Yay, you're coming out here! Congratulations!