This is my wonderful roommate, Heather (aka Crutchy), and myself hangin' out in San Francisco over break. I like Heather. She is my same height...
that is neat!
Jack Johnson is hammocky, according to roommate Sarah.
This weekend was mildly productive! I wrote 8 pages for my theatre history paper, and it only took me about 7 hours. That's gotta be some kind of record for me. And I even got some other homework done, read a book, went to a concert, a play, worked out, and watched 3-4 movies. I don't know how I did it. But I did. Actually, I have to finish my homework yet tonight because I've been rewarding myself too much. Whoops. Oh, well.
Today marked another misty, cold, and dreary day. But it wasn't too bad. I like misty weather. The cool spray on my face, the wet feet in know, this kind of rain is necessary to produce beautiful green grass and buds on the trees and flowers. So it's all worth it.
Can't you see that it's just rainin? There ain't no need to go outside....pretend like it's the weekend....
I've been talking to lots of people about post-grad jobs and other summer activities. And it's weird, because my class is graduating this year. Thankfully, many of my friends are either staying for another semester/year or they're younger than me. But it hasn't hit me yet that in five weeks, a large percentage of people that I have known at Dordt for four years will be moving on with their lives. Life can be so jumping out of a plane without knowing for sure if the parachute will work. If at first you don't succeed, skydiving's not for you.
But we still have five weeks. Heck, I have another year. And it's Monday. Another week, another chance. We had a wonderful guest minister this morning at Covenant. He was from the Back to God Hour...a French-speaking African. He was funny and blunt and full of truth. He made a point about Son-bathing....if we soak in Christ's light, we should look different to other people. They should be able to tell by the way we look that we are walking in the light of God. Siyahumba!
Well, back to the paper. If this be treason, make the most of it.