
a happy and a brain freeze occurring while on medication

So there, Al.

I have officially forgiven the Schaapster: I got a straight A on my interview paper. Never mind that I had a wonderful subject who does not talk himself in circles. Ahhh, justice. Take that, editors of America and the larger Dordt English department metropolis!

So I am sick. I took amazing drugs last night given to me by my generous, fun-loving, and newly engaged roommate, Shannon, and I slept. And I skipped class and it was AWESOME! I have done it! I have skipped! Well, with a really good excuse. So I'm not as cool as I think I am.

Who was I talking with the other night?....we were talking about the word "cool" and how it is becoming obsolete. So now we need a new word to replace the obsoleted "cool." Any suggestions? How about.....I got nothin'. Why is it when I try to think, my brain gives me a hint of an idea, but then shuts off before I can retrieve it? It's like looking forward to a wonderful piece of leftover pepperoni pizza, only to find that your brother ate it. Traitor.


AC said...

Wow, it truly sucks when other people eat your food. The other stuff I can't comprehend, but I am here in lovely SoCal where it is currently a chilly, chilly temp and I am still wearing shorts. Am I stupid or what? Congrats to all around for yet another Dordt deal. The TNIV is the dumbest move ever.

Andrea said...

Do you think it dumbs everything down too much?

Allison said...

I got an A- on my Politics of Food paper . . . yeah, the one I stayed up writing till 4 a.m. I guess that's poetic justice of some sort. Or maybe just weirdness. Neva (my prof) really liked it--definitely weirdness. I was NOT thinking clearly by the time I finished it, that's for sure.

Anywho. Tonight is an Environmental Writing class potluck--yummy! I made Irish soda bread, and it was so easy, and looks SO good. It feels good to branch out in the baking world again.

Hope you feel better soon, kiddo!

Andrea said...

Yea for As on papers!