
the simple things

What a day. After 5 hours of sleep, I dragged myself out of bed to do some much-needed last-minute studying for history. The tension from last night's room meeting accompanied me to class, where Schelhaas once again treated us like imbecilic children. I then sat around in ASK 060, feeling like I was doing nothing to help, and proceeded to run into the other Schelhaas in the hallway. Jeri grilled me about theatre classes and made me feel guilty for not doing exactly what she wanted me to do. I went to Mom's office and freaked out; I was sick, tired, unprepared for my test, and I felt like nothing I could do would make anyone happy ever again.

And then I met with one of my tutees.

He was my problem student at the start, and I dreaded meeting with him every week. He had no motivation, barely spoke a word, and skipped meetings and papers for me. He's been getting better this semester because I've realized that establishing a relationship is sometimes more important than proofreading. Usually, he's reserved and stoic. Today, he couldn't keep the smile off his face.

I remember why I want to teach.


Jihad Hernandez said...

So awesome to have sudden realizations in the midst of chaos.

May the peace which suprasses all understanding (What? why is she so peaceful. Can't she see the world is falling apart? Shoot. That's totally beond my understanding.)

be with YOU!


Allison said...

Love you, kiddo.

AC said...

Chaos sucks. I hope that things are better now this week. I hope that things don't get worse. I would try and cheer you up, but that is impossible for me right now.